“Gates: You have to be careful, if you’re good at something, to make sure you don’t think you’re good at other things that you aren’t necessarily so good at. I come in every day and work with a great team of people who are trying to figure out how to make great software, listening to the feedback and doing the research. And it’s very typical that because I’ve been very successful at that, people come in and expect that I have wisdom about topics that I don’t.
Buffett: Bill’s right, occasionally there are things — like campaign finance reform — that he may want to take a position on. But you still don’t want to say that the whole world ought to follow you on it. I’m very suspect of the person who is very good at one business — it also could be a good athlete or a good entertainer — who starts thinking they should tell the world how to behave on everything. For us to think that just because we made a lot of money, we’re going to be better at giving advice on every subject — well, that’s just crazy.” A passage from Tap Dancing to Work by Carol J. Loomis